Emergency? Please follow these steps.
🚨 1. Ensure it really is a critical maintenance emergency related to the space.
Locked out? Please refer to the article on keys and access control for your space in the "Spaces" section.
No electricity in the whole apartment? Before calling, please check the switchboard in the entrance of your apartment. All switches should be up! If one or various are down, just put it up. If all are already up but there is no electricity, try putting them all down and up again. If the issue is not solved, you can call the emergency number.
Any other subject and you don't know who to contact? Have a look here!
🚨 2. If you are facing an emergency:

🚧 More important information
- Please note that it is your obligation as tenant to report any damages.
- Attention! If you use an emergency number outside working hours, if there is no real emergency, we will have to bill the costs to you. In case of a real emergency, costs will be on Urban Campus! Let's jointly ensure the line stays open for those who really need help urgently and immediately
- In the case of emergencies that apply to the whole building, such as an outage of heating, electricity, or water, please speak to your neighbors first if the problem also occurs in their apartment and if they already contacted someone. In the end it may rather slow down the solution if every members calls separately.