🧰 Community tools

Get in touch with the community!

You’ve got the following tools at your disposal to help you get in touch with other members, stay up to date on what’s going on, and sign up for activities you’re interested in so you don’t miss a thing.

📱 Community app

    Here is all the information about the community app!

    🗞 Newsletter

    • Sent out by email.
    • Covers all the Urban Campus activities over the following weeks with a description and sign up link.

    💬 Community feedback

    As a community we grow and evolve every day. Thanks to your feedback, we are building a stronger community.

    Feel free to share your community experience on this form. We will get back to you as soon as we can. Please note that feedback shared in chat groups will not be addressed.

    👍🏽 Social Media 

    • Urban Campus activities are published on Facebook & Instagram.
    • Find out more about Urban Campus social media here.