📱Community app

Discover our very own app for the Community!

At Urban Campus, we are always looking for ways to improve your stay. We know that what makes this experience so unique is the community. As it grows, we want to streamline how you connect with members from your building, from other coliving spaces, and with those who share the same interests as you.
We are so proud to officially have the Urban Campus Community App! With this app, you will be able to connect with members from different campuses, create and attend events, launch and join new clubs, and more! Make sure you agree to receive notifications. It is key to stay up to date with everything community-related!

📲 Features

Main screen

- Read the Urban Campus guide
- Access perks
- Open support tickets
- Check your unit information
- Access events page
- Check Urban Campus announcements.
You can post on the feed and access the member directory (click on the round pictures at the top!)
Please note that Support & My Home features are not yet available.


Browse events happening this month either organised by UC or by members.
Want to join? RSVP by clicking on the blue button.
Want to create your own? Press EVENT on the event page and fill in the info!


These are chat groups. You will find your building chat group and some clubs you might have automatically joined by selecting interests during the onboarding.
You can also create new chat groups (clubs) or browse through clubs and request to join.


Add a picture and relevant information. You can also visit other members' profiles.
Want to chat one-on-one? Request to connect. Once accepted, you can chat with them (the chat will be shown in the Clubs section).

🤓 How to use the app


  • Create an event: Go to EVENTS and click on the middle green button: EVENT. You can fill out the information and then click "Create" to publish it.
  • RSVP event: Click on the blue button. Did you change your mind? Click on it again. When you see the "Leave event" pop-up, select "Yes". Your participation has been canceled.
  • Share an event on a group chat: Go to the event page. Click on the sharing button then COPY. Paste the link in the chat. You can also send the event on WhatsApp.


  • Create a new club: on the search bar write the name of the new club. Eg-guitar heroes. If no group exists, you can click on "Create group". Add in the details and click "Create". You can also share the link to your new club!
  • Join a club: on the search bar, you may look for clubs. You can also write keywords to help you find them. Ask to join and you are in!


  • One-on-one chat: go to a member’s profile. Click CONNECT. Wait for them to accept and then chat away!
  • Following feature: If you click on this feature, posts from this member will appear first on the feed.

Member directory

Want to find members? Go to clubs or the news pages. On the top, click on the round icons you see. You will be redirected to a page where you can scroll down a list of members.


Contact the Support team easily and directly from the community app, by filling up the Support form. The Support team will get back to you via email.


Go to your profile. On the top right, you will see settings. Click on it.

On this page, you can set up your preferences: privacy, notifications, send feedback… We encourage you to allow notifications so that you are aware of new events and receive event reminders.

➡️ Download the community app on Apple Store HERE
➡️ Download the community app on Android HERE