🥗 Community meals

Community meals in your common areas.

🍕 What are Community meals?

Community meals are the secret sauce.

It's where the magic happens, meeting new members, and catching up with old ones. They happen every other week so you can always count on them - plans are made, activities organised, and who knows how they’ll end.

Food is delivered to your space, you don’t need to bring anything, although wine or beer is always welcome. We’ve heard cava goes well with orange juice at breakfast too :)

Don’t miss out! Someone always needs to be there to open the door, receive the food, and set it up.

📆 When and where?

The day & hour can change during the year. Remember you can always check the community app to find out when the next one is.

It always takes place in the common areas.

🙋🏻‍♀️ How do I sign up?

No need, just show up!